about me

I am a 17th years old girl,
I was graduated from Senior high school Numb. 3 On Prabumulih, palembang, Sumsel.
Muhammad Umar is my father's name, and Sri Maryani is my mother's name.

I am a lucky girl, why??  cause I have a very happy family, and I have "them" that so loving me :)
I have 2 brothers thats 
Andi Mariansyah and Muhammad Hafizh Apriansyah

Afridha Maheza
she is my besties. she is a cute girl with some awesome skill. She always be there when I need her.
I love her so much.

my 7G 1B and manager
when i was on senior high school, I met a very very fabulous girls, we have so much different but we never felt it. the difference of us isnt the big matter for us. why?? I don't know why. that I know until now is, I love them too :* 
they are : Neni triana, Dede Santa Luvita Pakpahan, Sherly Damayanti, Annisa Putri Amelia, Radisty Noorfizir, Riska Alvionita, Ganis Mahesa Putra, and Karindah Ade Syaputri. 
love u all guys 


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